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Background image of property fire prevention showing a burning house

Living in a potential wildfire zone can take it's toll on one's peace of mind, fire season can be stressful and worrisome for every home owner who wonders if their home is next.
Getting the all too common mandatory call to evacuate can be nerve racking, when you've not much time to get yourself, and your animals safely out of the area.
The indiscriminate nature of fire means it will take more than luck to save the property you're leaving behind.
People often come back to having their homes, and everything they owned from furniture to family heirlooms, reduced to smoldering rubbish. 
Staying to try to protect what's yours when a wildfire is approaching is unwise and puts yourself in harms way.
Even trained firefighting crews in full gear, struggle to stop the blazes. Why leave your home's safety to chance?
Here at Property Fire Prevention, we are providing you a safe, effective, and affordable way to take control of your home's safety, and to take back your peace of mind.

Fire damage caused to property lacking property fire prevention One Of Three
Fire damage caused to property lacking property fire prevention Two Of Three
Fire damage caused to property lacking property fire prevention Three Of Three

Hydro Cannon Fire Defense

The devastating effects of wildfires are everywhere in California, and these statistics from CalFire do not even express the amount of acreage burned outside of the areas they are responsible for protecting. I don't want to see people homeless, properties turned to ash, people picking up the pieces of a fire swept neighborhood. But so often this is what we do see.

Less and less people are able to count on their home owners insurance for fire damage coverage, and with response times for a fire department to a rural home averaging half an hour, the contents of a house, or the house itself, may be unsalvageable by the time help arrives. With Property Fire Prevention set up and functional on your grounds, this doesn't have to be the case.

Hi, my name is Bill Faulkner.
I've been a Gold Country Divide local business owner for quite some time now.
I understand the absolute need for fire prevention on your property. Which is why when you order this product, I will come and give you a demo of it, and set it up myself for you, or work with you through common channels of communication, to ensure you that you've got the best line of defense when fire comes your way.

When you use my property fire prevention tool, you've got the power of forty fire engines in your backyard, greatly increasing the power of your defensible space. Designed with the intention of saving your valuables, your homes, your shrubbery, etc, this device is a real game changer for all who have it installed. Unlike conventional sprinkler systems that can cause significant water damage, the Hydro Halo leaves the inside of your home, safe and dry.

I believe this product is newsworthy, and the Hydro Halo has been featured in the news on GoodDay SacramentoABC10, and other channels. If you know anyone who may benefit from this great additional boost to the defensible space around their property, refer them over and I'd be happy to talk with them going forward.
This website aims to show you all you need to know about my product, but you're welcome and encouraged to contact me regarding any questions you may have regarding it.

Textured Wood

Call or Text Property Fire Prevention for a free consultation
(916) 825-8043 Greenwood, California

The Property Fire Prevention System is designed to expand and enhance defensible space.


(Learn More Here.)

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